Meet Karen Fitts
Words from Happy Writers
“If you are looking for someone to see you, your writing, and the strengths of both, Dr. Karen Fitts is someone you want helping you in whatever writing endeavor you’re undertaking. . . . Dr. Fitts has made me a better person and writer.”
— Riley Wilkins, Drexel University
“Due to COVID concerns, Karen utilized zoom for a few months—this was challenging and our son was a bit moody during that time, but Karen took it in stride and was able to draw the best out of him. . . .We highly recommend her.”
— Matt & Mary Zibilich, Portland, Oregon
“For more than two years, Karen was one of our most deeply-skilled and comprehensive writing tutors. . . . [H]er passion for helping young writers made for high satisfaction by the families and students she served.”
— Tutor Doctor of Portland Metro
A Note to Writers
from Karen
“For some, the first hurdle is understanding that the term ‘writer’ applies to them. When we ponder or imagine, design, or question, we're writing.
The text may be for a project at work, images and words on social media, or even a letter to loved ones. It may also be a more private, self-directed form of writing such as journaling, which can be especially productive and consequential for the writer. In many cases, journaling leads a writer to shift their inward focus to an outward audience.
In all of these writing scenarios and more, people are making sense of and articulating to themselves or others their area of expertise, thoughts, dreams, plans, memories and more. For audiences of all kinds and writers who reach out to them, Dream. Draft. Deliver. can help.”